Conversational AI for Customer Service: How to Get it Right

Conversational AI for Customer Service: How to Get it Right

July 31, 2024

Conversational AI for Customer Service: How to Get it Right

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Build customer loyalty.
Scale cost-efficiently.

👩: Hi there! I have a question about your product.

🤖: Sure thing! I'm here to help. What would you like to know?

👩: I'm curious how your product compares to competitors.

🤖: Absolutely! I'm here to give you the scoop on how we stack up against the competition. 

👩: That sounds promising! 

🤖: Our product isn't just about its features; it's designed to give you a smooth, standout customer experience.

👩: Yes, conversational AI is here to redefine the customer experience. 

By 2026, conversational AI for customer service will cut agent costs by $80 billion, automating interactions across voice and digital channels. One in 10 interactions will be automated. Thus, conversational AI is becoming table stakes to improve customer service and reduce customer support costs.

Can conversational AI eventually replace your customer service team? Let's find out. 

What is Conversational AI?

In 1964, MIT's AI Lab unveiled "Eliza," a pioneering creation that engaged users with thoughtful statements and questions, merging AI with psychology in human communication. 


This marked the beginning of conversational AI—where machines understood and responded to human language, revolutionizing technology and communication.

Today, conversational AI encompasses technologies like chatbots and virtual agents, integral to modern customer service. These tools automate responses, resolve inquiries swiftly, and enhance service efficiency by maintaining context and delivering human-like, context-aware engagement.

Are Conversational AI and Chatbots the Same?

While "chatbots" and "conversational AI" are often used interchangeably, they differ in sophistication. 

Chatbots are scripted assistants handling routine tasks like checking bank balances or answering FAQs, but they struggle with unexpected or complex requests.

Conversational AI, on the other hand, uses advanced technologies like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to needs in real-time, like Siri or Alexa.

Features Chatbots Conversational AI
Interaction Style Follows scripted paths and rules, suitable for routine tasks Engages dynamically, adapts to diverse inputs and contexts
Capability Handles basic queries efficiently (e.g., FAQs, transactions) Provides personalized interactions, understands user intent
Flexibility Limited flexibility; struggles with unexpected inquiries Adaptable; responds flexibly to diverse user inputs
Understanding Relies on simple rules and commands Utilizes advanced NLP to grasp meaning and context
Learning Capability Generally static; does not learn or improve over time Learns iteratively from interactions, improves responses
Complexity Handling Not suitable for nuanced or complex inquiries Capable of handling complex queries with contextual understanding
Examples Basic customer service bots, FAQ bots Siri, Alexa, advanced customer service virtual agents

How Does Conversational AI Work?

Conversational AI combines NLP, speech recognition, dialog management, natural language generation (NLG), machine learning (ML), and context management to deliver intuitive and personalized interactions.

Imagine you're searching for a new gaming laptop online. You land on a website with a friendly chatbot ready to help. 

Here's how conversational AI guides you through the process:

  1. Input Generation: You type, "Hi, I'm looking for a laptop for gaming. Can you help?" This starts the interaction.
  1.  Input Analysis: The chatbot analyzes your message using NLP to understand your intent—find a powerful gaming laptop.
  1. Dialog Management: The chatbot asks, "Sure thing! Are you looking for a specific brand or any must-have features?" This keeps the conversation relevant and focused.
  1. NLG: It responds, "We have several options with high-performance processors and advanced graphics cards ideal for gaming."
  1. Reinforcement Learning: As you inquire about different models and specs, the AI learns from your responses, refining its recommendations. 


User: "I like this model. Does it offer any other colors?" 

AI: "It's available in Sleek Black and Stylish Silver. Would you like more details on these colors?"

What are the benefits of Conversational AI in Customer Service?

Traditional customer service is plagued by inefficiencies like long wait times, repetitive interactions, and unresolved issues, frustrating customers and pressuring businesses to improve support quickly and effectively.

On the other hand, conversational AI is rapidly transforming the market, projected to reach nearly $30 billion by 2028, with chatbots alone valued at $24.64 billion by 2030. 

This growth signifies a major shift in business strategy. 

Here are some benefits of implementing conversational AI for customer service:

👉 Instant Personalization

Customer interactions have evolved to demand sophisticated personalization. 53% of customers now expect companies to anticipate their needs, while 81% of service agents acknowledge the growing demand for personal touch. 

Conversational AI leads this evolution, delivering personalized support with quick, tailored responses and recommendations. This approach not only resolves immediate issues but also builds lasting customer loyalty, making conversational AI essential for modern customer service.

👉Round-the-clock support

Modern customers demand instant resolutions, with 64% expecting immediate responses. CSA Research highlights that 60% of non-Anglophone consumers avoid English-only websites, preferring support in their native language. 

Consider a customer in Tokyo or Berlin needing support at 2 a.m. Conversational AI not only meets these expectations but also bridges language and time zone barriers, providing personalized, accessible, and globally inclusive customer service.

👉Cost savings

Conversational AI can reduce business support costs by up to 30% by automating routine customer interactions. This efficiency frees up resources, enabling human agents to focus on complex and high-value inquiries.

👉Seamless omnichannel engagement

Conversational AI integrates seamlessly across multiple channels like social media, email, and messaging apps, providing a unified customer service experience. It also syncs with CRM systems for consistent and effective management of customer interactions.

👉Actionable customer insights

An MIT Technology Review study revealed that 80% of executives saw significant improvements in customer satisfaction after adopting conversational AI. By analyzing each interaction for valuable data on preferences and behavior, businesses can refine offerings and enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

👉Supercharge Operational Efficiency 

Implementing conversational AI automates routine queries, streamlines workflows, and optimizes resource allocation, addressing the challenge where 69% of live agents struggle to balance efficiency and service quality. 

This approach reduces support ticket volume and empowers teams to handle more complex challenges. Statista indicates an impressive 82% increase in customer satisfaction scores as organizations embrace AI for swift responses and personalized engagements in customer service.

Practical Applications of Conversational AI in Customer Service 

Balancing customer convenience across preferred channels is important, but so is ensuring seamless interactions. This hinges on enabling effortless communication and promptly delivering personalized resolutions that satisfy customers swiftly.

Automated FAQs

Think about your customer’s questions answered instantly, day or night, thanks to automated FAQs. These self-service chatbots swiftly respond to queries, guide customers to information, and can even create support tickets. 

Powered by AI when integrated with a knowledge base, these bots instantly retrieve technical details and seamlessly escalate to support agents when necessary. 

Perfect for both repetitive issues and complex problems, self-service chatbots efficiently deliver accurate solutions using your product's expertise.

Smart call routing

High volumes of inbound calls often frustrate customers with long hold times, repeated transfers, and difficulty connecting with the right agent. This experience leaves customers feeling stranded and dissatisfied, while also straining operational resources.

Voicebots that leverage advanced conversational AI for customer support offer a transformative solution for contact centers. 

Through sophisticated skills-based routing, voicebots evaluate each call and seamlessly direct it to the most qualified agent based on expertise, experience, and past performance. 

This eliminates extended hold times and unnecessary transfers, ensuring swift connections to the best-suited agent, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and optimizing operational efficiency.

Proactive customer engagement

Traditionally, businesses face challenges with reactive customer support, causing delays and frustration as issues linger until customers reach out. Proactive service changes this dynamic by anticipating and resolving issues before customers even contact support. 

When paired with conversational AI, this approach boosts customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. 

It reduces support ticket volumes, allowing human agents to focus on strategic tasks and complex customer needs. 

Omnichannel support

Businesses often struggle with fragmented customer support across multiple channels, leading to inconsistent experiences and missed engagement opportunities. Omnichannel engagement integrates AI-powered live chat, voice-bot, voice, SMS, and WhatsApp into a unified experience. 

This omnichannel support strategy with conversational AI can personalize outreach, deliver customized messaging, and facilitate seamless real-time interactions across all channels, enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Optimized customer experience

Average handling time (AHT) and average first response Time (FRT) are critical metrics in customer service. AHT reflects how efficiently agents resolve interactions, highlighting process inefficiencies or training gaps. FRT measures the delay from customer contact to agent response, directly impacting satisfaction.

AI-powered chatbots enhance FRT by providing quick responses and maintaining channel consistency. They also reduce AHT through optimized workflows, enhanced agent training, and automation. 

Analytics further refine operations by identifying bottlenecks and improving service quality, ensuring streamlined and efficient customer support.

Agent training and efficiency

Agent productivity declines when time is lost bridging knowledge gaps and manually processing requests, resulting in extended call resolution times and potential errors. This also impacts vital contact center KPIs like AHT and customer satisfaction (CSAT), affecting overall business performance.

To enhance efficiency and customer experience, contact centers adopt unified agent desktop and workflows with AI-driven features. 

This solution empowers agents to deliver exceptional customer service, driving overall contact center success.

Can Conversational AI be Trusted?

A recent APAC study by Coleman Parkes revealed that nearly 1/2 of respondents were frustrated with chatbots and live chats due to flawed implementations. Misjudgments in task automation often lead to projects falling short of business expectations.

Strategic planning is crucial in implementing conversational AI in customer support. This involves selecting use cases carefully, gathering customer feedback, and refining AI based on real interactions. Transparency in data handling and robust security are essential for reliability and privacy.

Addressing these challenges requires continuous learning and adaptation. Improving AI accuracy, responsiveness, and alignment with customer needs is crucial for building trust and enhancing customer experiences.

What to Look for in a Conversational AI Solution for Customer Service?

Successfully integrating conversational AI into your customer service strategy hinges on clear objectives and measurable KPIs. Key to this is selecting a robust conversational AI platform with intuitive interfaces, multilingual support, rigorous security, seamless integrations, automated self-service capabilities, and comprehensive omnichannel support.

Scalability is essential to adapt to evolving business needs, while continuous learning from customer interactions drives ongoing improvement. Prioritizing transparency, stringent security measures and compliance with regulations ensures data protection and upholds ethical AI standards, fostering trust and enhancing customer loyalty.

Aspects Key Features
NLP Capabilities Ensures accurate understanding of customer queries, providing instant and precise responses across diverse contexts and languages.
Omnichannel Support and Integration Delivers consistent customer experiences across all channels (web, mobile, social), enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
Intelligent Routing and Escalation Efficiently handles complex inquiries, seamlessly escalating to human agents when necessary, ensuring swift issue resolution.
Analytics and Reporting Provide actionable insights from customer interactions, empowering continuous improvement of service quality and operational efficiency.
Ease of Setup and Customization Enables quick deployment and customization aligned with brand identity, fostering personalized and on-brand customer interactions.
Security and Compliance Ensures customer data protection and regulatory compliance, building trust and loyalty through secure service delivery.
Human Support Integration Facilitates smooth transitions to human agents for intricate issues, maintaining seamless customer experiences with expert assistance
Trustworthiness and Content Control Offers reliable responses sourced from verified content, minimizing errors and ensuring consistent professionalism in customer interactions
Scalability and Flexibility Adapts to growing business needs and supports multi-platform engagement, future-proofing customer service capabilities for expansion.

Plivo CX: Are You Ready to Implement Conversational AI in Customer Support Strategy?

There is no better time than now to integrate conversational AI into your customer service strategy. Whether supporting new agents or streamlining customer interactions, a well-implemented conversational AI solution empowers your team, drives efficiencies, and enhances overall customer experience.

Take a moment to assess your current processes and envision the potential of AI. Explore seamless integration of AI features into existing systems or consider third-party solutions

Start a free trial to unlock new possibilities for your team and customers alike. 

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