Resolve Call Connectivity Issues Faster with Zentrunk Debug Logs

Jul 24, 2024
Resolve Call Connectivity Issues Faster with Zentrunk Debug Logs

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud communication, ensuring smooth and reliable call connectivity stands paramount for businesses leveraging Plivo's communication solutions. Recognizing this critical need, we're thrilled to introduce Zentrunk Debug Logs, a robust tool meticulously crafted to enhance your troubleshooting capabilities and streamline the process of diagnosing and resolving call connectivity issues.

Understanding Zentrunk Debug Logs

Zentrunk Debug Logs is an advanced feature designed to provide Plivo customers with deep insights and detailed logs for effective debugging of call connectivity challenges. This tool is part of our ongoing commitment to empower users with the resources they need to maintain seamless communication channels, thus ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

When to Use Zentrunk Debug Logs

Zentrunk Debug Logs become indispensable when facing call connectivity issues, such as calls not connecting, dropped calls, or poor call quality. These situations could stem from a multitude of factors ranging from network configurations, SIP signaling problems, to codec mismatches. Identifying the root cause quickly is critical to minimizing downtime and maintaining high standards of communication.

Key Features of Zentrunk Debug Logs

  • Call Details: This feature presents essential information about each call, including caller and call recipient details, timestamps, and call duration. It serves as the first step in understanding the context and flow of affected communications, allowing users to quickly pinpoint potential issues.
  • Call Stats: Dive into origination, termination, and trunk-related details. This data is invaluable for identifying performance trends, anomalies, or bottlenecks that might be impacting the quality of your calls.
  • SIP Logs: A cornerstone feature of Zentrunk Debug Logs, the SIP Logs section enables the download of SIP PCAP files, showcasing the last SIP response and Codec information. This in-depth analysis of SIP signaling data is key to uncovering the root cause of connectivity issues, facilitating swift and effective resolution.

Call Details

Call stats

SIP Logs

How to Access and Utilize Zentrunk Debug Logs

Accessing Zentrunk Debug Logs is straightforward:

  1. Log into your Plivo console.
  2. Navigate to "Zentrunk" and select "Logs" from the menu.

Here, you'll find an intuitive interface that displays all the necessary tools and information at your fingertips. For a more effective troubleshooting process, start by reviewing the Call Details to get a sense of the communication flow. Next, analyze the Call Stats to detect any patterns or anomalies. Finally, delve into the SIP Logs for a technical deep dive to identify the specific issue.

Leveraging Zentrunk Debug Logs for Success

To get the most out of Zentrunk Debug Logs, we recommend incorporating it into your regular troubleshooting and maintenance routines. By proactively reviewing and analyzing your call data, you're positioned to quickly identify and resolve issues, minimizing their potential impact on your communication workflows.

Zentrunk Debug Logs are more than just a diagnostic tool; they're a means to ensure that your communication infrastructure is robust, reliable, and capable of supporting your business needs. We invite you to explore this feature and discover how it can enhance your Plivo experience.

If you have any feedback or require assistance, our support team is here to help. Happy debugging!

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Frequently asked questions

How can I perform required DLT registration?

DLT stands for distributed ledger technology. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) requires any entity who wants to send SMS to register in order to curb unsolicited commercial communication (UCC). Required information includes organizational details, message headers and templates, and required consent information

Read our guide How to Complete DLT Registration for Sending Text Messages in India for information about the process.

Why should I register for a Sender ID?

While it’s not mandatory, Plivo recommends registering a sender ID. Messages sent without a registered sender ID are sent with a generic identifier such as “SMS” or “INFO.”

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