Get Started with Regulatory Compliance

Plivo reviews phone numbers when documentation is necessary for regulatory compliance. To start that process:

  • In the Plivo console, go to Phone Numbers > Buy Numbers and search for a phone number using the criteria you want. Click on the Buy Number button to display a Phone Number Details pop-up.

  • Compliance requirements for the phone number are displayed in the Regulatory Information section. If there’s no Regulatory Information section, then the phone number has no regulatory requirements and will be ready for use instantly.

Regulatory Information Section

  • Review the regulatory information and click on Continue to navigate to the Compliance step.

Regulatory Compliance Config

  • Select the relevant end-user type, then assign a Compliance Application to the phone number. A Compliance Application is a logical grouping of documents required for ensuring compliance for a unique combination of phone number country, number type, and user type. Existing eligible Compliance Applications are listed in the drop-down. You can create a new Compliance Application by clicking on Add New.

  • Clicking on Add New opens a new screen. Provide a friendly name to the Compliance Application and click on Continue.

New Compliance Application

  • On the next screen, provide the necessary information and supporting documents based on the compliance requirements of the phone number. You can create new documents or use any existing documents that are available from the drop-down. Once you’ve entered the necessary information, click on Submit Application. You’ll return to the phone number rental flow, where you can map the newly created Compliance Application to the phone number.

Add Supporting Docs

  • Click on Buy Number and Continue to add the phone number to your account. At this point the phone number’s compliance status is “in-review” while Plivo reviews the number and the documentation. Phone numbers undergoing review can be viewed and configured on the Pending Numbers page. Phone numbers listed on this page are not available for use until approved.

  • Once Plivo finds the documents and information provided are valid and in line with regulatory requirements, the phone number is activated and available for use for voice and SMS services. Email notifications giving details about the review process are sent over email to the account’s registered email address.