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The Record element

You can use the Record element to record a call and return the URL of the recording file.


action stringCallback-retry configurable

Submit the result of the record to this URL. See the table “Parameters sent to the action URL” below for more information.

Allowed values: a fully qualified URL

method string

Method used to send HTTP request to the action URL.

Allowed values: GET, POST
Defaults to POST.

fileFormat string

The format of the recording.

Allowed values: mp3, wav
Defaults to mp3.

redirect boolean

If false, don’t redirect to the action URL, only request the URL and continue to the next element.

Allowed values: true, false
Defaults to true.

timeout integer

Seconds of silence before considering the recording complete. Only used when recordSession and startOnDialAnswer are false.

Allowed values: positive integer
Defaults to 15.

maxLength integer

Maximum number of seconds to record.

Allowed values: integer greater than 1
Defaults to 60.

playBeep boolean

Plays a beep before recording. Only used when recordSession and startOnDialAnswer are false.

Allowed values: true, false
Defaults to true.

finishOnKey string

Stop recording when this key is pressed. Only used when recordSession and startOnDialAnswer are false.

Allowed values: any digit, #, *
Defaults to #

recordSession boolean

Record current call session in background. No beep will be played.

Allowed values: true, false
Defaults to false.

startOnDialAnswer boolean

Record call when called party answers in a Dial. No beep will be played.

Allowed values: true, false
Defaults to false.

transcriptionType string

auto: Transcription is automated; the turnaround time is under 5 minutes which linearly increases with call duration.

Transcriptions charge details are available on our pricing page.


The transcription service is available only in English, and limited to calls with a duration greater than 500 milliseconds and less than four hours with a recording file size smaller than 2GB.

transcriptionUrl stringCallback-retry configurable

The URL where the transcription is to be sent from Plivo. See the table “Parameters sent to the transcription URL” below for more information.

Allowed values: a fully qualified URL
No default value.


The transcription information will be sent to this URL via an HTTP POST callback.

callbackUrl stringCallback-retry configurable

If set, this URL is fired in the background when the recorded file is ready to be used. See the table “Parameters sent to the callback URL” below for more information.

Allowed values: a fully qualified URL

callbackMethod string

The HTTP method used to notify the callbackUrl.

Allowed values: GET, POST
Defaults to POST.


  • If recordSession is set to true, recording will start in the background and will continue until the call is hung up or maxLength is reached.

  • If startOnDialAnswer is set to true, Plivo will record the complete conversation between both parties during the next Dial and will end when the Dial is done or maxLength is reached. This may not be legal in some countries.

  • timeout, finishOnKey, and playBeep attributes have no effect when recordSession or startOnDialAnswer is set to true.

  • The default recording time is 60 seconds if maxLength is not set.


Parameters sent to the action URL


Complete path to the recorded file URL.


If set, the digits pressed to stop the recording.


Duration of recording in seconds.


Duration of recording in milliseconds.


When the recording started (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.


When the recording ended (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.


Recording ID of the file.


  • If startOnDialAnswer or recordSession is set to true, an initial request is made to the action URL as soon as the recording has started. Because of this, RecordingDuration, RecordingDurationMs, RecordingStartMs, and RecordingEndMs will all be -1. No other request will be made to the action URL once the recording is completed.

  • If startOnDialAnswer and recordSession are set to false, a request is made to the action URL only when the recording is completed. This request will contain the actual values of the recording.

Parameters sent to the callback URL


Complete path to the recorded file URL.


Duration of recording in seconds.


Duration of recording in milliseconds.


When the recording started (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.


When the recording ended (epoch time UTC) in milliseconds.


Recording ID of the file.

Parameters sent to the transcription URL


The credit deducted for the transcription.


Transcribed text of the recording.


Duration in seconds of the recording.


Call UUID of the call that was transcribed.


Rate of the transcription per minute.


Recording ID of the recording that was transcribed.

error Can be Recording duration too long for transcription or Recording file size too large for transcription. Empty if transcription is successful.
Note: .mp3 files are smaller in size than .wav files. Consider changing the recording file format to mp3 if you see this error.