Get Started with the Ruby on Rails Framework

Sign up for a Plivo account

When you sign up with Plivo, we give you a free trial account and free credits to experiment with and learn about our services. You can add a number to your account to start testing the full range of our voice and SMS service features.

Follow these steps to get a free trial account:

  1. Sign up with your work email address.
  2. Check your inbox for an activation email message from Plivo. Click on the link in the message to activate your account.
  3. Enter your mobile number to complete the phone verification step.

Sign up with your work email address

Sign up with email address

If you have any issues creating a Plivo account, please contact our support team for assistance.

To get started, try sending an SMS message either by using our API and XML documents, or via PHLO, our visual design tool, which allows you to create message flows using an intuitive canvas and deploy them with few clicks.

Set up your Ruby on Rails dev environment

You must install Plivo’s Ruby SDK and Rails and create a Rails project before you send your first message.

Install Rails and create a Rails project

Install Rails.

$ gem install rails
$ rails new plivotest

This command creates a plivotest directory with the necessary folders and files for development.

Install the Plivo Ruby SDK

Edit your application’s Gemfile and add the line

gem 'plivo', '~> 4.24.0'

Then install the Plivo Ruby gem into the bundle.

$ bundle install

Send your first outbound SMS/MMS message

You can create and deploy a PHLO to send your first outbound SMS message with a few clicks on the PHLO canvas, and trigger it with some simple code.

Create the PHLO

To create a PHLO, visit the PHLO page of the Plivo console. If this is your first PHLO, the PHLO page will be empty.

  • Click Create New PHLO.

  • In the Choose your use case pop-up, click Build my own. The PHLO canvas will appear with the Start node.

    Note: The Start node is the starting point of any PHLO. It lets you trigger a PHLO to start upon one of three actions: incoming SMS message, incoming, or API request.
  • From the list of components on the left-hand side, drag and drop the Send Message component onto the canvas. When a component is placed on the canvas it becomes a node.

  • Draw a line to connect the Start node’s API Request trigger state to the Send Message node.

  • In the Configuration pane at the right of the canvas, configure the Send Message node with a sender ID in the From field. Enter the destination number you wish to send a message to in the To field. Put your message in the Text field.

    Note: You can define a static payload by specifying values when you create the PHLO, or define a dynamic payload by passing values through Liquid templating parameters when you trigger the PHLO from your application.
  • If you’d like to send an MMS message, configure the Media URLs field with the media files you’d like to send.

  • Once you’ve configured the node, click Validate to save the configuration.

Your PHLO is now ready to test.

Trigger the PHLO

You integrate a PHLO into your application workflow by making an API request to trigger the PHLO with the required payload — the set of parameters you pass to the PHLO. You can define a static payload by specifying values when you create the PHLO, or define a dynamic payload by passing values through parameters when you trigger the PHLO from your application.

In either case, you need your Auth ID and Auth Token, which you can get from the overview page of the Plivo console.


You also need the PHLO ID, which you can copy from the PHLO list page.


Create a Rails controller

Change to the project directory and run this command to create a Rails controller for outbound SMS messages.

$ rails generate controller Plivo sms

This generatse a controller named plivo_controller in the app/controllers/ directory and a respective view in app/views/plivo. We can delete the view as we don’t need it.

$ rm app/views/plivo/sms.html.erb

With a static payload

When you configure values when creating the PHLO, they act as a static payload.

With Static Payload


Edit the app/controllers/plivo_controller.rb file and paste into it this code.

include Plivo
include Plivo::Exceptions

class PlivoController < ApplicationController
	skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
	def without_payload
		client ='<auth_id>', '<auth_token>')
			phlo = client.phlo.get('<phlo_id>')
			response =
			puts response
		rescue PlivoRESTError => e
			puts 'Exception: ' + e.message
		render json: response.to_s

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Replace the auth placeholders with your authentication credentials from the Plivo console. Replace the phlo_id placeholder with your PHLO ID from the Plivo console.

With a dynamic payload

To use dynamic values for the parameters, use Liquid templating parameters when you create the PHLO …

With Dynamic Payload

… and pass the values from your code when you trigger it.

With Dynamic Payload


Edit the app/controllers/plivo_controller.rb file and paste into it this code.

include Plivo
include Plivo::Exceptions

class PlivoController < ApplicationController
	skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
	def with_payload
		client ='<auth_id>', '<auth_token>')
			phlo = client.phlo.get('<phlo_id>')
			params = {
				From: '<sender_id>',
				To: '<destination_number>'
			response =
			puts response
		rescue PlivoRESTError => e
			puts 'Exception: ' + e.message
		render json: response.to_s

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Replace the auth placeholders with your authentication credentials from the Plivo console. Replace the phlo_id placeholder with your PHLO ID from the Plivo console. Replace the phone number placeholders with actual phone numbers in E.164 format (for example, +12025551234).

Add a route

Add a route for the outbound function in the PlivoController class. Edit config/routes.rb and change the line

get 'plivo/sms' 


If you are not using payload

get 'plivo/without_payload'

If you are using payload

get 'plivo/with_payload'


Run your code.

$ rails server

Receive your first inbound SMS/MMS message

You can create and deploy a PHLO to receive an inbound text message with a few clicks on the PHLO canvas, without writing a single line of code.


To receive incoming text messages, you must have an SMS-enabled Plivo phone number. You can rent numbers from the Numbers page of the Plivo console, or by using the Numbers API.

Create the PHLO

To create a PHLO, visit the PHLO page of the Plivo console. If this is your first PHLO, the PHLO page will be empty.

  • Click Create New PHLO.

  • In the Choose your use case pop-up, click Build my own. The PHLO canvas will appear with the Start node.
    Note: The Start node is the starting point of any PHLO. It lets you trigger a PHLO to start upon one of three actions: incoming SMS message, incoming call, or API request.
  • From the list of components on the left-hand side, drag and drop the HTTP Request component onto the canvas. When a component is placed on the canvas it becomes a node.

  • Draw a line to connect the Start node’s Incoming Message trigger state to the HTTP Request node.

  • In the Configuration pane at the right of the canvas, configure the HTTP Request node. Specify the address of your web server and specify that from, to, and text fields should be passed along with the request.

  • Once you’ve configured the node, click Validate to save the configuration.

  • After you complete the configuration, give the PHLO a name by clicking in the upper left, then click Save.

Assign the PHLO to a Plivo number

Once you’ve created and configured your PHLO, assign it to a Plivo number.

  • On the Numbers page of the console, under Your Numbers, click the phone number you want to use for the PHLO.

  • In the Number Configuration box, select PHLO from the Application Type drop-down.

  • From the PHLO Name drop-down, select the PHLO you want to use with the number, then click Update Number.

Assign PHLO to a Plivo Number


You can now send a text message to your Plivo phone number and see how the inbound text is handled.

For more information about creating a PHLO application, see the PHLO Getting Started guide. For information on components and their variables, see the PHLO Components Library.

Forward an incoming SMS/MMS message

You can create and deploy a workflow to implement text message forwarding with a few clicks on the PHLO canvas.


To receive incoming text messages, you must have an SMS-enabled Plivo phone number. You can rent numbers from the Numbers page of the Plivo console, or by using the Numbers API.

Create the PHLO

To create a PHLO, visit the PHLO page of the Plivo console. If this is your first PHLO, the PHLO page will be empty.

  • Click Create New PHLO.

  • In the Choose your use case pop-up, click Build my own. The PHLO canvas will appear with the Start node.
    Note: The Start node is the starting point of any PHLO. It lets you trigger a PHLO to start upon one of three actions: incoming SMS message, incoming call, or API request.
  • From the list of components on the left-hand side, drag and drop the Send Message component onto the canvas. When a component is placed on the canvas it becomes a node.

  • Draw a line to connect the Start node’s Incoming Message trigger state to the Send Message node.

  • In the Configuration pane at the right of the canvas, configure the Send Message node with the phone number to which you want to forward the message.

  • Once you’ve configured the node, click Validate to save the configuration.

  • After you complete the configuration, give the PHLO a name by clicking in the upper left, then click Save.

Assign the PHLO to a Plivo number

Once you’ve created and configured your PHLO, assign it to a Plivo number.

  • On the Numbers page of the console, under Your Numbers, click the phone number you want to use for the PHLO.

  • In the Number Configuration box, select PHLO from the Application Type drop-down.

  • From the PHLO Name drop-down, select the PHLO you want to use with the phone number, then click Update Number.

Assign PHLO to a Plivo Number


You can now send a text message to your Plivo phone number and see how the inbound text is forwarded.

For more information about creating a PHLO application, see the PHLO Getting Started guide. For information on components and their variables, see the PHLO Components Library.

More use cases

We illustrate more than a dozen use cases with code for both PHLO and API/XML on our documentation pages.

Install Ruby, Rails, and the Plivo Ruby SDK

You must set up and install Ruby, Rails, and Plivo’s Ruby SDK before you send your first SMS message.

Install Ruby

Download and install Ruby from its official site.

Install Rails

$ gem install rails

Create a Rails project

Create a Rails project to autogenerate code in the Ruby on Rails folder structure.

$ rails new plivotest

This command creates a plivotest directory with the necessary folders and files for development.

Install the Plivo gem

Edit the Gemfile and add this line.

$ gem 'plivo', '~> 4.25.1'

Then install the Plivo Ruby gem into the bundle.

$ bundle install

Send your first outbound SMS/MMS message

You must have a Plivo phone number to send messages to the US or Canada; you can rent a Plivo number from Phone Numbers > Buy Numbers on the Plivo console or via the Numbers API.

Create a Rails controller

Run this command in the project directory.

$ rails generate controller Plivo sms

This command generates a controller named plivo_controller in the app/controllers/ directory and a respective view in the app/views/plivo directory. We can delete the view as we don’t need it.

$ rm app/views/plivo/sms.html.erb

Edit app/controllers/plivo_controller.rb and paste into it this code.

include Plivo
include Plivo::Exceptions

class PlivoController < ApplicationController
	def outbound
		api ="<auth_id>","<auth_token>")
		response = api.messages.create(
			text:'Hello, from Rails!'
		puts response
		render json: response.to_s

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include Plivo
include Plivo::Exceptions

class PlivoController < ApplicationController
	def outbound
		api ="<auth_id>","<auth_token>")
		response = api.messages.create(
			text:'Hello, MMS from Rails!',
			type: "mms",
		puts response
		render json: response.to_s

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Replace the auth placeholders with your authentication credentials from the Plivo console. Replace the phone number placeholders with actual phone numbers in E.164 format (for example, +12025551234). In countries other than the US and Canada you can use a sender ID for the message source.

Note: We recommend that you store your credentials in the auth_id and auth_token environment variables to avoid the possibility of accidentally committing them to source control. If you do this, you can initialize the client with no arguments and Plivo will automatically fetch the values from the environment variables. You can use ENV to store environment variables and fetch them when initializing the client.

Add a route

Edit config/routes.rb and change the line

get 'plivo/sms' 


get 'plivo/outbound'


Run your code.

$ rails server

Receive your first inbound SMS/MMS message

To receive incoming messages, you must have a Plivo phone number that supports SMS; you can rent numbers from the Numbers page of the Plivo console or by using the Numbers API.

Edit the Rails controller

Edit the app/controllers/plivo_controller.rb file generated earlier and add paste this code into the PlivoController class after the outbound function.

def inbound
    from_number = params[:From]
      to_number = params[:To]
      text = params[:Text]
      puts "Message received - From: #{from_number}, To: #{to_number}, Text: #{text}"

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def inbound
    from_number = params[:From]
      to_number = params[:To]
      text = params[:Text]
      media_url = params[:Media0]
      puts "Message received - From: #{from_number}, To: #{to_number}, Text: #{text}, Media: #{media_url}"

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Add a route

Edit config/routes.rb and add this line after the outbound route we added earlier.

get 'plivo/inbound'

Run your code.

$ rails server

You should see your basic server application in action at http://localhost:3000/plivo/inbound/.

Expose your local server to the internet

To receive incoming messages, your local server must connect with Plivo API services. For that, we recommend using ngrok, which exposes local servers running behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels. Using ngrok, you can set webhooks that can talk to the Plivo server.

ngrok block diagram

Note: Before starting the service, add ngrok in the config.hosts list in the config/environments/development.rb file in your project. You will see Blocked host errors if you fail to do this.
# Whitelist ngrok domain
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.ngrok\.io/

Run ngrok on the command line, specifying the port that hosts the application on which you want to receive messages (3000 in this case):

$ ./ngrok http 3000

This starts the ngrok server on your local server. Ngrok will display a forwarding link that you can use as a webhook to access your local server over the public network.

ngrok CLI

Now people can send messages to your Plivo number.

Create a Plivo application to receive messages

Associate the controller you created with Plivo by creating a Plivo application. Visiting Messaging > Applications and click Add New Application. You can also use Plivo’s Application API.

Give your application a name — we called ours Receive SMS. Enter the server URL you want to use (for example https://<yourdomain>.com/receive_sms/) in the Message URL field and set the method to POST. Click Create Application to save your application.

Create Application

Assign a Plivo number to your application

Navigate to the Numbers page and select the phone number you want to use for this application.

From the Application Type drop-down, select XML Application.

From the Plivo Application drop-down, select Receive SMS (the name we gave the application).

Click Update Number to save.

Assign Phone Number to Receive SMS App


Send a text message to the Plivo number you specified using any phone.

Reply to an incoming SMS/MMS message

To receive incoming messages, you must have a Plivo phone number that supports SMS; you can rent numbers from the Numbers page of the Plivo console or by using the Numbers API.

Edit the Rails controller

Edit app/controllers/plivo_controller.rb file and paste this code into the PlivoController class after the inbound function we added earlier.

def forward
	from_number = params[:From]
	to_number = params[:To]
	text = params[:Text]
	# send the details to generate an XML
	response =
	params = {
		src: to_number,
		dst: from_number,
	message_body = "This is an automatic response"
	response.addMessage(message_body, params)
	xml =
	puts xml.to_xml
	render xml: xml.to_xml

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Add a route

Edit config/routes.rb and add this line after the inbound route we added earlier.

get 'plivo/forward'

If you haven’t done so already, expose your local server to the internet.

Create a Plivo application to reply to messages

Associate the controller you created with Plivo by creating a Plivo application. Visiting Messaging > Applications and click Add New Application. You can also use Plivo’s Application API.

Give your application a name — we called ours Reply Incoming SMS. Enter the server URL you want to use (for example http://<yourdomain>.com/replysms/) in the Message URL field and set the method to POST. Click Create Application to save your application.

Create Application

Assign a Plivo number to your application

Navigate to the Numbers page and select the phone number you want to use for this application.

From the Application Type drop-down, select XML Application.

From the Plivo Application drop-down, select Reply Incoming SMS (the name we gave the application).

Click Update Number to save.


Send a text message to the Plivo number you specified using any phone. You should receive a reply.

More use cases

We illustrate more than a dozen use cases with code for both API/XML and PHLO on our documentation pages.

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