Configuring FusionPBX to connect with Zentrunk


Zentrunk is a SIP Trunking service from Plivo that allows you to connect with fixed and mobile phones in over 200 countries. Connect your cloud or on-premise communication infrastructure to Plivo’s Zentrunk SIP Trunking service to connect to your customers easily.

This documentation provides a basic configuration to get FusionPBX up and running with Plivo as the external SIP gateway.

To get started with Zentrunk using FusionPBX you would need to do the following:

  1. Install FusionPBX on your environment.
  2. Create a Trunk on Zentrunk using Plivo Console.
  3. Configure Outbound Gateway.
  4. Configure Inbound Gateway.

Installation of FusionPBX

For more information on installing FusionPBX, see the following FusionPBX documents:

  • Follow the instructions here to install FusionPBX on Debian.
  • Follow the instructions here to install FusionPBX on CentOS/Ubuntu.

Create a Trunk on Zentrunk

You can create a trunk using Plivo Console. For more information on creating a Trunk on Plivo Console, see Getting Started with Zentrunk.

Configuring an Outbound Trunk

Configuring your Outbound Trunk involves the following steps:

  1. Set IP of FusionPBX server - from local to public
  2. Configuring an Extension
  3. Adding a Gateway
  4. Adding Outbound Routes
  5. Configuring X-Lite

Note: There are many softphones that you can use (for example, X-Lite, Blink for Linux, etc). In this tutorial, we will be using the X-Lite Softphone.

Set IP of FusionPBX server

  1. From the dashboard, hover over the Advanced menu, and then click Variables.
  2. On the Variable page, go to IP Address section and change the following variables :
    • external_rtp_ip: curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4
    • external_sip_ip: curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4

Set IP

To add an extension

  1. From the Accounts menu, click Extensions.
  2. On the Extensions page, click + to add an extension. The Add SIP Extension page appears. Add Extension
  3. Add the Extension, and then click Save. Note: Extension is the extension number to dial to reach the user.
  4. Enter the password for the extension. Note: This will be the password configured for the device.
  5. Once done, click Save.

Your extension is created.

To add a Gateway

  1. From your FusionPBX dashboard, hover over the Accounts menu, and then click Gateways.
  2. On the Gateways page, click + to add a gateway.
  3. On the Add Gateway page, enter the following details:
    • Gateway: A friendly name for the trunk (for example, demo-gateway)
    • Username: Username for TestAuthGroup
    • Password: Password for TestAuthGroup
    • Proxy: Termination SIP Domain of your Plivo Trunk
  4. Once done, click Save.

A gateway will be created. You must now configure an outbound route to this gateway.

To add an outbound route

  1. From the Dialplan menu, click Outbound Routes.
  2. On the Outbound Routes page, click + to add an outbound route. Add outbound route
  3. On the Outbound Route - Add Route page, enter the following details:
    • Gateway: Select the gateway you created in the previous section (demo-gateway).
    • Dialplan Expression: Select International from the drop-down list.
  4. Once you have entered your dial pattern, click SAVE.

The outbound route will be configured to your gateway.

Configuring an Inbound Trunk

Configuring your Inbound Trunk involves the following steps:

  1. Set IP of Fusion PBX
  2. Checking SIP status
  3. Changing the domain
  4. Adding an extension
  5. Adding a dialplan
  6. Whitelisting incoming IP’s

Note: There are many softphones that you can use (for example, X-Lite, Blink for Linux, etc). In this tutorial, we will be using the X-Lite Softphone.

Set IP of FusionPBX server

  1. From the dashboard, hover over the Advanced menu, and then click Variables.
  2. Here you will have to make these change to the below variables.
  3. On the Variable page, go to IP Address section and change the following variables and click on save: a. External_sip_ip
     Value =curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4

    b. External_rtp_ip

     Value =curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4
  4. In the same page go to the XMPP section and at ** bind_SERVER_ip** make same changes.
Value =curl -s http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4


Checking SIP status

  1. From your dashboard hover to Status menu and click on sip status
  2. Here click on we will have to click on the below buttons
    Flush cache
  3. You will also have to ** Stop and start ** all 4 Sofia profiles.
  4. Once done, click Save.

Changing the domain

  1. From your dashboard hover to Advanced menu and click on domain.
  2. Click on the edit option of the IP

Changing the domain

  1. Change the ip from local to public i.e the ip of the Fusion PBX Change IP to public
  2. Once you have entered your dial pattern, click SAVE.

To add an extension

  1. From the Accounts menu, click Extensions.
  2. On the Extensions page, click + to add an extension. The Add SIP Extension page appears. Add Extension
  3. Add the Extension, and then click Save. Note: Extension is the extension number to dial to reach the user.
  4. Enter the password for the extension. Note: This will be the password configured for the device.
  5. Once done, click Save.

Your extension is created.

To add a Dialpan

  1. From the Dialplan menu, click the destination option
  2. Choose “+” add destination Add dialplan
  3. Enter your inbound number in destination.
  4. Once done, click Save.

A destination number will be added.

###Whitelisting incoming IP’s

  1. From the Advanced menu, click access control
  2. Click on domain
  3. Click on **+ **symbol Whitelisting IPs
  4. Choose type as allow
  5. In CIDR add the ip ranges from here.

Configure your Xlite and you will be able to receive calls.

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