Latest Legacy

The IncomingCarrier object


carrier_id string

The ID of the incoming carrier. Plivo assigns a unique identifier to each carrier instance that we create on our platform.

ip_set string

A comma-separated list of IP addresses associated with the incoming carrier.

name string

Name of the incoming carrier.

resource_uri string

The URI for the incoming carrier resource.

sms boolean

Indicates whether the incoming carrier supports handling SMS messages.

voice boolean

Indicates whether the incoming carrier supports handling voice calls.


  "carrier_id": "19381640842535",
  "ip_set": ",,",
  "name": "Custom carrier 1",
  "resource_uri": "/v1/Account/MA2025RK4E639VJFZAGV/IncomingCarrier/19381640842535/",
  "sms": false,
  "voice": true